The nationality attribution applies to individuals of Portuguese mother or Portuguese father born outside Portugal, individuals of foreign parents born in Portugal and individuals born in Portugal who do not have other nationality.
There are many citizens who contact us to request help to make sure that the foreign court decisions are applicable to them in Portugal
Considering the Portuguese emigration to Brazil reached its peak between 1901-1930 and 1951-1960, there are many nationals who actually have Portuguese ancestors.
The Old Portuguese State of India was a Portuguese overseas state founded in 1505 and until the Indian invasion it covered the territories of Goa, Daman, Diu, Dadrá and Nagar-Aveli. On December 20, 1961, Portugal lost control over these territories due to an invasion by the Indian Union. However, Indian control was only recognized by the Portuguese State in 1975, after the Revolution on 25th April 1974 and the subsequent fall of the so called Estado Novo.
The classification of “Sephardi Jews”, also known as “Sephardic Jews, refers to the descendants of the traditional community of Jews originally from the Iberian Peninsula (Sepharad, meaning Spain and Portugal).
Nacionalidade portuguesa