Considering this reality, not only in Brazil, but also in several other countries, the Nationality Law currently in force in Portugal, foresees various possibilities for the attribution and acquisition of the Portuguese nationality. Among them it is important to highlight the attribution of Portuguese nationality based on kin relationships. As such, Portuguese nationality may be attributed to children of Portuguese citizens born in Portugal or abroad, or to grandchildren of Portuguese citizens born abroad.

The first of these cases applies to full age or minor children of Portuguese people.

In the second case, the person who intends to obtain the Portuguese nationality must have at least one second-degree Portuguese ascendant of the straight line that has not lost the Portuguese nationality.

In addition, individuals who have acquired Portuguese nationality under the repealed article 6, paragraph 4 of the Nationality Law, may now become Portuguese of origin. This change allows their own children and grandchildren to apply for Portuguese nationality, irrespective of their age, and therefore to become Portuguese of origin.

In the case of great-grandchildren of Portuguese citizens, it is possible that one of their parents or grandparents falls into one of the above situations. In this case, the ascendant in question may obtain the Portuguese nationality, and the remaining descendants may subsequently obtain it.

Our office submits the files directly in Portugal to the competent Civil Registry Offices, so that the interested parties do not have to travel to Portugal personally.




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